Office: Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto Km. 9 No. 6 Sunggal 20127 I N D O N E S I A Phone: +62 (61) 845-9838; 846-9918; 847-4688 Fax: +62 (61) 846-6838 E-Mail: Or: |
Resident: Jalan Bangka No. 42/44 Medan 20231 I N D O N E S I A Phone: +62 (61) 415-4255; 415-7156; 453-8738 Fax: +62 (61) 453-8738 E-Mail: Or: |
According to the article 1868 of the Civil Law Handbook, an authentic document is the one which is designed in the form according to the rules, by or in the presence of the general official who has the authority for that purpose, at the place where it is done.
According to Registration Letter of the Capital Market Supporting Professional Number: 733/PM/STTD-N/2005 dated 28th February 2005, we have been registered at Bapepam as a Notary Public who is operating in the Capital Market in accordance with Regulation Number 8 Year 1995 concerning the Capital Market and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 Year 1995 concerning the Activities Operation in the Capital Market.
According to the Decree of the State Minister of Cooperation and Small and Medium Size Business of the Republic of Indonesia dated 23rd September 2005 number: 86/Kep/M.KUKM/IX/2005 concerning the Determination of Notary Public as Cooperation Deed Official, we have been appointed and determined by the Ministry of Cooperation and Small and Medium Size Business of the Republic of Indonesia as Notary Public as Cooperation Deed Official.
The above mentioned legal actions are as follow (article 2 sub 2 of Government Regulation Number 37 the Year of 1998):