Office of Notary Public and Land Deed Official Aida Verawati Wahab, S.H., Sp.N., M.Kn.

Office of Notary Public and Land Deed Official
Aida Verawati Wahab, S.H., Sp.N., M.Kn.

Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto Km. 9 No. 6
Sunggal 20127
Phone: +62 (61) 845-9838; 846-9918; 847-4688
Fax: +62 (61) 846-6838
Jalan Bangka No. 42/44
Medan 20231
Phone: +62 (61) 415-4255; 415-7156; 453-8738
Fax: +62 (61) 453-8738

Notary Public

Promoting Base

The promotion to be a Notary Public is based on the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia dated August 14, 2002 number C-1027.HT.03.01-Th.2002.


Definition of Notary Public
Based on the article 1 of the Position Rules of Notary Public in Indonesia (Staatsblad 1860 number 3) that a Notary Public is the only general official who has the authority in making authentic/legitimate documents, including actions/deeds, agreements, and judgements, which are forced by general codes or by those who have interests, to be stated in an official document, to guarantee the date, to keep the documents, and to provide the executorial scripts (grosse), the duplicates and copies, all together as long as the documents making is not given to others.

According to the article 1868 of the Civil Law Handbook, an authentic document is the one which is designed in the form according to the rules, by or in the presence of the general official who has the authority for that purpose, at the place where it is done.

The Duty and Authority of Notary Public
The duties and jobs of Notary Public in general are:
  1. to make authentic or legitimate documents;
  2. to verify or validate the letters and documents ;
  3. to register the letters and documents;
  4. to give legal advice and explanation about regulations to the related parties.

The authority of Notary Public is general (regal) and consists of four things, which are:
  1. as long as concerning the documents;
  2. as long as concerning the parties, for whom do the documents are created;
  3. as long as concerning the place where the documents are formed;
  4. as long as concerning when the documents are made.

Capital Market Supporting Professional (Notary Public)
In point 1 of Rule Number VIII.D.1 as Attachment of the Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam Number: Kep-37/PM/1996 dated 17th January 1996 concerning the Registration of a Notary Public Operating in the Capital Market is stated that a Notary Public must be registered at Bapepam and fulfilled the requirements stipulated in this rule in order to provide professional services in the Capital Market.

According to Registration Letter of the Capital Market Supporting Professional Number: 733/PM/STTD-N/2005 dated 28th February 2005, we have been registered at Bapepam as a Notary Public who is operating in the Capital Market in accordance with Regulation Number 8 Year 1995 concerning the Capital Market and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 Year 1995 concerning the Activities Operation in the Capital Market.

Notary Public as Cooperation Deed Official
In reference with the Decree of the State Minister of Cooperation and Small and Medium Size Business of the Republic of Indonesia dated 24th September 2004 number: 98/Kep/M.KUKM/IX/2004 regarding Notary Public as Cooperation Deed Official, it is stated that a Notary Public who is dealing in making cooperation deed must be registered at the Ministry of Cooperation and Small and Medium Size and fulfilled the requirements stipulated in the mentioned Decree.

According to the Decree of the State Minister of Cooperation and Small and Medium Size Business of the Republic of Indonesia dated 23rd September 2005 number: 86/Kep/M.KUKM/IX/2005 concerning the Determination of Notary Public as Cooperation Deed Official, we have been appointed and determined by the Ministry of Cooperation and Small and Medium Size Business of the Republic of Indonesia as Notary Public as Cooperation Deed Official.

Notary Public of Syariah Bank
We have the authorization to make the deeds of transactions done in Syariah Bank since we have attended the course and training of "Legal Aspect of Syariah Bank" organized by the organizer acknowledged by the Central Bank of Indonesia based on the Certificate dated 3rd December 2005 number: ALBS200512106.

Land Deed Official

Promoting Base

The promotion to be the Land Deed Official is based on the Decree of the State Minister of Agrarian / Head of National Land Board dated June 2, 1998 number 8-XI-1998 about The Promotion of Land Deed Official And Their Working Area Appointing.


Definition of the Land Deed Official
Based on the article 1 sub 1 of the Government Regulation Number 37 the Year of 1998 about the Position Rules of Land Deed Official that a Land Deed Official is a general official which is given the authority to make or prepare the authentic/legitimate documents concerning certain legal action about the rights of lands or the Property Rights of the Apartment Unit.

The Main Duty and Authority of Land Deed Official
The Land Deed Official has to do parts of land registration process in making documents as evidence or proof that a certain legal action about the rights of the land or the Property Rights of the Apartment Unit has been taken, which will become the basic of registering the data modification registrar which is caused by the legal action (article 2 sub 1 of Government Regulation Number 37 the Year of 1998).

The above mentioned legal actions are as follow (article 2 sub 2 of Government Regulation Number 37 the Year of 1998):

  1. buying and selling;
  2. exchanging;
  3. grant or bequest;
  4. participating in the company (inbreng);
  5. communal rights sharing;
  6. giving the Building Use Rights / Using Rights above Property Rights of land;
  7. giving the Hypotheek Rights;
  8. giving the authority to make Hypotheek Rights.